Sunday, August 14, 2005

New Idea

Well I've obviously not done a great job of keeping this up-to-date, as far as a journal goes. So I've decided that from now on, it'll be less of a what's-going-on-with-Adam blog, and more of a collection of "random musings." So here's the first entry, as far as that's concerned.

I was in Wegman's today and saw that they now sell pre-packaged cotton candy. Of all the awful crap I've ever eaten, that may be the worst. I used to enjoy it, though, in the context of a toy, rather than food. My favorite thing to do with cotton candy is to spit on it. If you get a decent amount of any liquid (saliva has just always been the most readily-available for me) on cotton candy, it eats through it. I like trying to spit enough on that it goes all the way from one side to the other. Try it sometime. I was watching Secondhand Lions (good movie), I discovered something rather peculiar about my living room electronics. My TV is an RCA, and the stereo I bought last week is a Sharp. On the stereo remote, there is an "X-Bass" button, to boost the bass. When I hit that button, it turns the TV off. How random that, with all the possible frequencies, these two functions are the same. I thought it was kind of fun, but Michaelene seemed less amused. Oh well...

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