Monday, December 06, 2004

What a long week...

It's been a while since I've been here. We just got our internet connection established at the new place in Rochester. It's been quite a stressful week since moving in. The drive from PA took place with only minor complications. We had to stop 20 miles into the trip because both lights on the car trailer behind the truck had popped out and were dragging on the road, only holding on by a wire. Thanks to a friendly trucker and his duct tape, we were quickly back en route. At about Syracuse, the car being towed stopped flashing its hazards. The battery died, and needed to be jumped before we could get it off the trailer. Otherwise, the trip was pretty smooth. We unloaded the truck at lightning speed, but about halfway through Michaelene's mother called, saying that Michaelene's grandfather had passed away earlier in the day. It was tough to swallow. We'd seen him only a few days before at Thanksgiving. He had a cold, but ended up being admitted to the hospital that Friday.
We managed to finish all our unloading and to return the Uhaul by Tuesday morning, and on Wednesday we left for Michaelene's family in NJ. It was at the same time really painful and really comforting to be around everyone at the wake and the funeral. Everything was very nicely done, though. On a positive note, I got to meet the rest of Michaelene's extended family. They're all as crazy as the ones I'd already met. Good crazy, that is.
We made it back here Friday evening and finished our unpacking on the weekend. The apartment is coming together nicely. We're still getting used to things, where everything goes and how to get to different spots in town. Oscar, too, is getting used to things here. Today he learned about sliding glass doors. He found out that even though he can see what's on the other side, he can't run right through them. Poor little guy, he leapt from the ground over the 2 steps and hit the glass head on. He didn't seem hurt, but perhaps a bit ashamed. He required a little extra cuddle time on the floor after that one.
All in all, though, everything is going pretty smoothly with our move. Now, hopefully, we can find a job or 2.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey there adam, just wanted to let ya know that I saw your mom a few weeks ago, she looks wonderful and it was great to see her! Asked how you and scott were doing, glad to hear (and can tell that by your blog) that things are going well! You've inspired me to fINALLY start an online journal-writing-blog-thing...mostly i've seen them with highly philisophical things and i said, i can't do that, but then i read yours it sounds good and it DOES sound cathartic...and god knows i need that this point! So just a lengthy hi! and feel free to check out mine sometime! it will be in my aim profile : kristimichelle14